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Overwhelm Blues

Hey Reader!

Happy June!

I am late in sending this out because I couldn’t pick a subject for this newsletter. There are too many things I want to talk about and share and that was keeping me stuck in a state of overwhelm.

Does that feel familiar?

I then realized that overwhelm was probably the most important thing to talk about. We all get stuck in this purgatory from time to time. I see it in my clients all the time and I certainly experience it myself.

Overwhelm, like many habitual responses is there to keep us safe. It protects us from making a wrong action, keeps us from taking risks. But in keeping us safe it also keeps us stuck and anxious.

Clearly I am no expert on overcoming overwhelm, but in writing this email I am doing just that. That’s one of the secrets, I think, taking action, one small step in any direction at all.

We place a lot of importance on doing the right thing, just the thing we will need to be successful in our pursuits. This puts a lot of pressure on us to have it all figured out, dialed in, and to be able to predict the results. While this kind of targeted precision is extremely important in some things like engineering and surgery, for most of us it doesn’t have to be nearly as well calibrated.

So, Step 1 is – Take the pressure off. Lighten up. Realize you can change course.

I’m breathing a sigh of relief already as I type that. I hope you are too. We can be free to try things out, see what sticks, and also keep a running list of all of our ideas for future actions.

Which brings me to Step 2 – Get organized. Write it down. Offload your brain.

I find when I am holding onto too many ideas and wants, and even “shoulds” at the same time my brain gets overloaded. It is working so hard to remember and keep track of all the threads that it has very little bandwidth for much else. I often forget that there are these wonderful inventions: Pen and Paper, Google docs, Notes app, Evernote, Task Lists and so much more that can hold all these thoughts and ideas, and yes, even “shoulds” floating around my brain. If I just give myself a few minutes to record them, they don’t have to take up so much real estate and energy, and again, I can breathe a sigh of relief that I am no longer responsible for holding it all at the same time.

With this new found space and freedom in my nervous system, I can relax and let inspiration strike, just like what happened at 6:45 this morning on my dog walk when it became so clear to me that overwhelm had to be the subject of this month’s newsletter. Now a little worry popped in there saying, “Is that really going to help people? Is that going to attract coaching clients?” (Such a helpful brain!) And I replied to myself that this is what is arising right now and I trust that the people who need to read it and absorb it will. I will have another opportunity to write about something else on my list that arises another time and I don’t even have to wait until a July newsletter to do so if I don’t want to.

And so, Step 3 – Make a Choice. Trust it is the right choice for right now. You can make another choice at another point.

And that’s where I am right now. I made the choice and I am enjoying taking action on that choice because I trust it is the right thing right now and that the next right thing will arise when it needs to. I also have let go of how it will be received! That’s a big part of Step 3.

And now that I have taken action and am close to hitting the send button on this email, I don’t want to forget to tell you what I am going to do next.

Step 4 – Congratulate yourself and give your nervous system a big hug for doing something scary. Celebrate the win. You did that. It was enough.

And speaking of giving your nervous system a big hug, I wanted to share a video with you that I recorded last week on comforting your dysregulated nervous system. You deserve it!

video preview

With love,

Coach Katie

1:1 Coaching

Feeling stuck in your habits, mindset, health goals, or life in general?

Coaching helps you organize your thoughts, make discoveries about what’s really important to you, and create movement toward overall well being.

Benefits of Coaching

  • Increased self trust, confidence, and direction
  • Engagement in behavior aligned with core values
  • Greater ease
  • Less overwhelm
  • Increased contentment
  • Improved relationships
  • Stronger boundaries
  • Clearer thinking
  • Better sleep
  • More energy
  • Decreased irritability
  • Personalized, effective tools and strategies to get more of what you want!

Sounds pretty dang good, huh?

Coaching is individualized. I work with: people in pain to help them implement the tools to settle their nervous systems, people who are looking to make a major life transition, people looking to eat better and exercise more, people wanting better boundaries with others, and more!

Coaching is a partnership. You are committed to showing up for yourself and working toward change and I am committed to helping you see your strengths, set your strategies, celebrate your successes, learn from your failures, and grow into the best version of yourself you can be.

Ready to learn more? I encourage you to schedule a no-commitment, free initial session with me to understand more about how this approach can help you, see if we’re a good fit, and walk away with a tangible next step toward something you’re currently working on.

Flare Care Cards Still Available

If you are need of tools to help you calm your nervous system and phrases to keep in mind when the going gets tough, look no further. I developed these cards as a way to help me remember my tools when I needed them most. Now they are available to share with you. Each deck includes 32 cards with mindfulness, breathing, and body awareness exercises, as well as “Don’t Panic” phrases to calm the fearful mind.

I love hearing from you! What are you thinking about these days? How did this email land for you? Want to vent, celebrate, discuss? I’m here for it all!

Contact me at or via my website

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